Vad är Kali Yuga

oktober 13, 2009

Modern tidsuppfattning är linjär (vi utgår här ifrån hur man ser på tid när det gäller sådant som mänslighetens utveckling, bortse från rumtid). Romarriket föll, därefter kom den mörka medeltiden, renässansen, upplysningen och vårt moderna samhälle.

Traditionellt har människan istället sett på tiden som cyklisk. I forna Indien var tiden uppdelad i fyra definierade tidsåldrar – yugor (Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga och Kali Yuga). Enligt hinduismen degenereras människan i takt med att tiden rör sig genom dessa yugor. Till slut nås Kali Yuga (demonen Kalis, dvs kaosets tidsålder) som sedan ändas genom en kataklysm där Vishnus 10:e avatar Kalki sluter cykeln som åter når Satya Yuga.

Intressant är att den cykliska tidsuppfattningen även följde med till Europa. I grekisk mytologi hade tiderna istället namn efter metaller. Guldåldern följdes av silver-, brons- och järnåldern. Samma tidsuppfattning fanns i romarriket och i forna mellanöstern.

Även i de traditionella nordiska samhällena tycks den cykliska tidsuppfattningen ha funnits. Som de flesta vet är nedskrivna källor från denna tid ytterst sparsamma, men i Völuspá (Valans spådom) används ordet gullaldr för att beskriva tiden efter kataklysmen (Ragnarök). Tidsåldern innan Ragnarök (vår tidsålder) benämns vargtid.

Vad är då Kali Yuga? Vad kännetecknar den? För att besvara den frågon måste vi gå till gamla källor. I detta fallet Vishnu Purana (kommentarer inom paranteser är mina, kommentarer inom klamrar är författaren till boken jag hämtat utdragen ifrån, se källa längst ner) :

”Outcastes and barbarians will be masters of the banks of the Indus, Darvika, the Chandrabhaga and Kashmir. These will all be contemporary rulers reigning over the earth: kings of violent temper […]They will seize upon the property of their subjects; they will be of limited power and will for the most part rapidly rise and fall; their lives will be short, their desires insatiable, and they will display but little piety. The people of various countries intermingling with them will follow their example […]The prevailing caste will be the Shudra (4:e kasten, står för fysiskt arbete och jordelivet) […] Vaisyas (3:e kasten, förenklat köpmannakasten) will abandon agriculture and commerce and gain a livelihood by servitude or the exercise of mechanical arts [proletarization and industrialization] […] Kshyatrias (2:a kasten, krigarkasten) instead of protecting will plunder their subjects: and under the pretext of levying customs will rob merchants of their property [crisis of capitalism and of private property; socialization, nationalization, and

Wealth [inner] and piety [following one’s dharma] will decrease day by day until the whole world will be wholly depraved. Then property alone will confer rank [the quantity of dollars – economic classes]; wealth [material] will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in

Earth will be venerated but for its mineral treasures [unscrupulous exploitation of the soil, demise of the cult of the earth] […] Brahmanical clothes will constitute a Brahman (1:a kasten, prästämbetet) […] weakness will be the cause of dependence [cowardice, death of fides and honor in the modern political forms] […] simple ablution
[devoid of the power of the true rite] will be purification [can there really be anything more in the alleged salvation procured in the Christian sacraments?]
In the Kali age men corrupted by unbelievers…will say: ”Of what authority are the Vedas? What are gods or Brahmans? […]” Observance of caste, order and institutes [traditional] will not prevail in the Kali age. Marriages in this age will not be conformable to the ritual, nor will the rules which connect the preceptor and his disciple be in force […] A regenerated man will be initiated in any way whatever [democracy applied to the spiritual plain] and such acts of penance as may be performed will be unattended by any results [this refers to a ”humanistic” and conformist religion] […] all orders of life will be common
alike to all persons
[…] He who gives away much money will be the master of men and family descent will no longer be a title of supremacy [the end of traditional nobility, advent of bourgeoisie, plutocracy] […]Men will fix their desires upon riches, even though dishonestly acquired [… ]Men of all degrees will conceit themselves to be equal with Brahmans [the prevarication and presumption of the intellectuals and modern culture] […] The people will be almost always in dread of death and apprehensive of scarcity; and will hence ever be watching the appearances of the sky [the meaning of the religious
and superstitious residues typical of modern masses] […]

The women will pay no attention to the commands of their husbands or parents […] They will be selfish, abject and slatternly;
they will be scolds and liars; they will be indecent and immoral in their conduct and will ever attach themselves to dissolute men
[…] Men having deviated into heresy, iniquity will flourish, and the duration of life will therefore decrease.


”When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that devine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon the earth [… ]He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be the seeds of [new] human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Satya age, or age of purity [primordial age].


Källa: Vishnu Purana genom Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World

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